ISMG 6020 - Object Oriented Programming
Fall 2001
University of Colorado at Denver
College of Business Administration
Instructor: Dr. Dawn Gregg
Office Location: 1380 Lawrence St., Suite 390, Office P
Office Phone: (303) 315-8449
ISMG Home:
Course Description
ISMG 6020 is designed as an introductory course to object-oriented modeling
and programming. The students will learn the C++ programming language and
also familiarize themselves with proper programming style. Students will learn
to think in an object oriented manner and to develop hierarchical
object-oriented systems for solving business problems. Encapsulation and
inheritance are emphasized
This course requires some prior C programming experience.
ISMG 4950: Introduction to Business Programming with C (or equivalent)
You should be familiar with the following C programming concepts: function, parameter passing, structure and pointer
It is assumed that you will read the assigned chapters before each class.
The topics covered in this course are difficult to master without substantial
amount of effort. You will need a great deal of time for experimenting
and practicing code. Read the manual for the C++ software you are using.
Your computer and compiler are good teachers. Be prepared to try out things
by yourself. Use the debugger, dig into texts, try on-line help.
All quizzes, tests and programs are to be done individually. Plagiarism
(copying) is not tolerated and will result in a zero on the assignment and
reporting of the incident to the College's Internal Affairs Committee.
Email: My courses can be difficult and often students get to places in their
assignments where they do not know what to do next. I encourage you to ask
questions in class, office hours and via email. Always include the course
number (ISMG 6020) and your name in the email.
When asking a question via
email please do the following:
- Clearly give me a specific question.
- If you have an error message(s) you do not understand put a copy of the
error message(s) in the email and attach your code so I can see where it occurs.
- If your code compiles but runs strangely describe the behavior and attach
your code (e.g. I input the id and then nothing happens)
- If you do not understand what is expected - explain what parts of the
assignment you do not understand.
- If you are having difficulty deciding how to approach a problem - describe
to me what you think you should be doing and I will let you know what you have
right & where you might be wrong.
- DO NOT email me and say here is what I have so far what do I do next...
Typically, I allow students to turn in assignments via
email. However, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that I
actually received the assignment. I recommend that students CC themselves
when emailing an assignment to me so they know the email was actually sent.
In addition, if you do not receive a reply indicating that I received the
assignment within 24 hours the student will need to resend the assignment and/or
bring it in by hand. An assignment that is received late due to an email
problem is still considered late. Students need to get a reliable email
provider if they intend on submitting assignments via email.
Don't get behind and don't miss a class. New concepts build on earlier concepts
and class work can make a significant amount of contribution to your
final grade.
Required Texts
The textbook for the class is:
H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel, C++ How to Program, Prentice
In addition, there are lecture notes available. You will need to print
them out and bring them to class.
Required Software
The software for the class is:
Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 (Learning Edition or Professional) or better
A copy of Microsoft Visual C++ comes with the textbook.
Final Grades for this class will be based on your performance in the following:
A. Class work and Homework |
10% |
B: Programming Projects |
40% |
C: Midterm Exams |
30% |
D: Final Exam |
20% |
Grading Polocy: A = 90-100, B = 80-89,
C = 70-79, D = 60-69, F < 60
A. Class work & Homework: You will complete several
in-class and homework assignments during the course of the semester. Typically,
an in-class assignment may be a quiz or an exercise done individually or
in groups. Most of these will be spontaneous. No late class work or homework will be
accepted. Homework must be turned in at the beginning of the class on the
due date.
B. Programming Projects: Projects must be turned in at the beginning of the class on the due
date. All projects are done individually unless otherwise specified. Late
projects will have severe point deductions including no credit.
Submit your homework/projects in a clear plastic pocket along with the
grading sheet and the disk. Programming Projects will be tested completely
by running it on the computer.
If you are not satisfied with your grade, you may request a re-evaluation.
Do not change the relevant files on your disk. Re-evaluation may result
in a higher or a lower score for the Programming Project.
C. Mid-term Exam: There will be one mid-term exam. The exam
will be given in class only on the mentioned dates. No make-up exams will
be given.
D. Final: The final exam will be mandatory. The final
exam must be taken at the scheduled time.
The exams will be open book and open note, unless otherwise specified. Formats include:
short answer questions, problems, writing of algorithms, filling key steps
in incomplete algorithms, writing C++ programs or functions.